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Why does Calyan give back to fight human trafficking? 

Calyan Wax Co. is proud to be a give-back brand. 5% of Calyan Revenue is donated to empower brave survivors of human trafficking on their healing journey. These sales and donations are possible when you enjoy Calyan's 100% Soy Candles.

Our primary focus is to give back and do good! Candles are a simple way for all of us to accomplish this mission together

But how did we choose the issue of human trafficking? There are many social injustices to take a stand against. So why this issue?  

Well...great question. It all started with our founder, Jacob. 


“My journey to start Calyan began in my childhood—at home. Sadly, my father was abusive, and I witnessed and experienced the long-term effects of his behavior on my family. Though scarred by his actions, I now have a greater compassion for those who are experiencing anything remotely similar to what my family went through. This compassion has shifted my life trajectory towards pursing justice for others.” 

Jacob Johnson Founder Calyan Wax Co

"We started Calyan to bring restoration to survivors of abuse, specifically human trafficking. We can all agree that the reality of human trafficking has no place in society. Human beings are not meant to be sold, bought, and used like commodities. This is why we donate 5% of your candle purchase to support hardworking non-profits who are effective in this field. Together (with candles) we are bringing light to the dark world of trafficking.”, Jacob Johnson. 


This passion does not stop with Jacob. Our whole team is committed to the fight against trafficking. We want to embody the proverb, "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves".  

Calyan Wax Co Team Photo

Every team member has a "why" to explain why the issue of trafficking is something they are willing to fight for. 

Kaleb Lehman, Production Manager, puts it this way “Just like we fight for people to have access to clean water and sustainable food, we want to fight for the dignity and freedom of people”. 

Christian Daniel, Production Assistant, says “Once you learn about human trafficking, it’s not an issue you can easily brush off. It demands action.” 

“Trafficking stems from some deep-rooted issues in society—issues that can be overwhelming to combat. Calyan is a way for me to be a part of the solution.”, Jacob Griffin, Candle Pourer.  

Isaiah Howard, Candle Pourer, puts its simply “I want to do something about the issue of human trafficking and making candles is a tangible and available way for me to do that.”   


Our dream is to create a movement of selfless individuals who are all making the decision to speak up for victims of human trafficking. This is not a one-man-operation. Everyone needs to be on the field and pitching in. Real change and healing will happen when we ALL stand up for the dignity of others.  

Candles are just the beginning. Every candle purchase is another person raising their voice and saying “no more” to human trafficking in our country. But we hope that your candle purchase is just the first step in your journey of serving and empower others in need.  


Ready to take the first step? Yeah, you are! We can see that you have “World Changer" written all over you. It's probably your middle name! 

Here are some simple first steps to stand up for survivors of trafficking: 

Educate Yourself

Unfortunately, there is a lot of bad information circulating regarding human trafficking. This information is not just unhelpful, but it is harmful to those trapped in trafficking. Learning the truth about this issue is a great way for you to start making a difference. Visit Traffick911's website to start learning or head to Youtube and watch this powerful video from an international organization called A21.  


Please understand, if you donate to any non-profit organizations in the fight against trafficking, you are meeting REAL and TANGIBLE needs of survivors of trafficking. Donations can provide, food, counseling, mentoring, medical needs, scholarships, and more for survivors. We fully support the following organizations and are confident that any donation you make to them will lead to greater life-change for those in need.  

Traffick911 – Poema FoundationRescue HerTreasured Vessels  


You would be our #1 hero if you decided that you wanted to give your time to serve those effected by trafficking. We highly recommend getting in touch with Traffick911 and becoming a volunteer with them. There are so many ways to serve. Let us know if you start volunteering with Traffick911 and we would love to personally meet you and offer you a small gift of gratitude! 

Purchase Candles

Yes, believe it or not, joining the fight against human trafficking can be as simple as enjoying a high-quality natural soy candle. This is the mission of Calyan. Check out our candles and give hope with every purchase.  


Your voice matters, friend. And we would love to hear it. Together, let’s speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves. Reach out to us and let's talk about new ways that we can team up to bring hope to others.